Monday, 24 October 2011

Write a blog you'd want to read!

By: TheGiantVermin Licensed under Creative Commons

Ok so you've deliberated and chosen a platform to use for your new blog and it's now time to WRITE your very first blog post... "Whatchu talkin bout Willis?" lol! Yes it's time my dear friends and I'll help you, so no sweat!

Using this example, I had to decide how I would lay out this post and how best to convey the message I'm trying to write to you.  In this instance I decided to open with an image to grab your attention, and I decided the best way for me to lay out my tips and tricks on writing 101 would be a bullet list - as it's a good way to organize and visually lay out text so that the reader does not become bored or fatigued.  These are just some of the thought processes that should be going through your mind when deciding how best to write a post that is read worthy.  See what else I learned on my fact finding mission;
  1. Write in the first person:  This requires creating a character.  You need to come off real, honest and trustworthy therefore if you do not know yourself, your writing will reflect it.  Your writing needs to sound natural.
  2.  Writing should be in a conversational style:  Pretty much means you need to write like you talk.  You can practice this by asking a friend to read your writing material to figure out whether it sounds like you.  I'm still having a challenge with this as I feel obligated to write in a more formal way...but don't worry we'll get there.
  3. Write with the reader in mind:  The old marketing adage "What's in it for me" rings true here.  If your objective to start a blog is to convey your opinions, comments, share knowledge to the WWW then it is important to be conscious of this throughout your writing.
  4. Keep it short, simple and clear:  Now I know what you must be thinking but I have an obligation to write 500 words per blog so never you mind ;)  People have short attention spans so it's recommended to keep to one concept per sentence - also sentences should be clear and short as well.  People shouldn't have to decipher what you are trying to say, they don't have the patience for that and will easily click out of your website to something more interesting...
  5. Asking a question:  Stimulate your readers to respond, share and converse.  You can gain followers this way and begin following other bloggers in return. After all, isn't this the definition of social media?
Chris Brogan, social media Guru and bestselling author of "Trust Agents" (which I'm currently reading and would recommend if you plan on learning more about social media) breaks it down pretty well  in his article on Writing Effective Blog Posts.  Please take a read - it's worthwhile!

If you are interested in learning more on Chris Brogan and Julien Smith's (co-author of "Trust Agents")  ideas on social media, see an interview by ABC News Radio below;

Remember, just be yourself, practice a little with a friend or family, read some news columns and get a feel for how the professionals do it, read other blogging posts, proof read your material and most importantly make sure you bring value to the reader who is taking the time to read your blog!

Do you feel ready?  Drop me a line and let me know your thoughts.


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